Sunday, February 3, 2008

What DO the Howards do all day when it's snowing and cold outside?

So, I bet most of you are wondering, just what DO you do with the kids for the 11 months out of the year when it's snowing and sub-zero weather? Glad you asked. Here at the Howard household, we have a MYRIAD of things to keep us busy. One of the boys' favorite games is simply "Jump off the stairs until someone gets hurt." Basically, they take turns (Tyler usually goes first) jumping off the highest number of stairs that they are allowed. For Tyler, it's two stairs; Noah, it's three. (I vetoed the idea of letting them jump off the number of stairs that corresponds to their age...) So, Tyler jumps off his two stairs, followed by Noah, who jumps very close (but thankfully not ON) Tyler. They wrestle around for a second, and then do it again. The fact that we haven't had a broken bone or even gotten close to needing stitches is a miracle. Here are some action shots ...

No, Tyler doesn't have pants on. Yes, he's wearing underwear. We decided to go cold turkey on the whole potty training with Tyler. He's been poopin' in the potty for a few months, but we told him that diapers were only for nighttime a few days ago, and he's done great. I'm looking forward to going to Target tomorrow and NOT walking out with big purple boxes that say Luvs on them.


Mindy said...

Ah brotherly love!! I know it so well. I say let em' jump. The only worry worts will be those moms of only girls or boys who play with dolls!!!!! KIDDING, KIDDING!! That was for Scott's benefit. (ok and a lil for

Mindy said...

Ok--first of all---where have you been? It's the 18th for goodness Second of all---you've been TAGGED!!! You'll have to check out my blog to see what your challenge is!