Sunday, February 24, 2008

Over the river and through the ice storm, to Great Grandparents' house we go...

So last weekend, we drove to Nebraska for Scott's grandparents' 65th wedding anniversary celebration. Now, Wisconsin to Nebraska is about a 12 hour drive. Long, right? Oh no, not for the Howards. We think anything less than the 16 hours it takes us to get to Texas is a breeze. We do worry about the kids' IQ's, though, as we can almost visibly see them drop as they watch DVD after DVD. But, they seem okay now, except for a few twitches here and there, which our doctor said would go away after a few years. :)
Anyway, we had a WONDERFUL time seeing Scott's grandparents, cousins and kids... it was a quick trip, but totally worth it. We left early early early on Sunday morning to get back, because we heard there was a storm that was supposed to go through Iowa and Illinois... basically, the exact route that we were going to take to get back home. We somehow thought that if we left early enough, the snow/ice that was supposed to fall for the whole day would hold off for us. (Minor problem, the weather doesn't revolve around the Howards....) We got about halfway and decided that after seeing a few dozen cars in the ditch later, we should probably stop. Some friends of Scott's from college live in Iowa and were gracious enough to take us in for the afternoon/night. We finally made it home, and we think there were at least 200+ cars in the ditch or median. We lost count. Very grateful that we stopped, and will probably take a little more seriously next time. :)
Three kids in a hotel bed!
Rachel didn't smile until she was OUT of the hotel pool. Unfortunately, her hands and arms are covering up her leg/thigh rolls. How long can you call a little girl chubby for? 4, 5 years? :)
Scott and the boys. We hadn't taken them swimming in a long time, so we weren't sure how the cautiousness would play out... Noah loved it, and paddled around happily with the water wings on his arms. Tyler wasn't so sure, and I heard, "Daddy hode me" about a dozen times from the water.
Rachel was very entertained by the mirror at the hotel.

Great Grandpa and Grandma Howard.
We all gathered in a clubhouse/party room for the celebration dinner. Lawrence Welk was on, which, if I had time, would get a blog all of it's own. :) Grandpa and Grandma Howard loved one of the songs, and decided to dance to it, much to the enjoyment of everyone else. I can't remember a time when I've seen more cameras and video cameras being whipped out and used. It was a sweet moment, and fun for us all to see them still dancing after 65 years!
A view from the middle row of the Sienna. This was the HIGHWAY - right before we decided that maybe we should stop and not drive anymore.

I could have taken hundreds of pictures like this. It was like a scene out of a movie. So thankful we weren't one of them!

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