Wednesday, January 30, 2008

You know it's cold when... wake up in the morning to a toilet that has ice in it.

Yes, you read right. Ice.

We had strong winds last night - 40-50 mph - which pushed the wind chill into the negative 30's. Crazy. So, since our bathroom window off our bedroom is a little drafty, even when it's locked, I decided to close the bathroom door to conserve a little heat. Well, I didn't realize that the vent in the bathroom had been closed - probably been that way for awhile - and this morning, when Scott went to take a shower, he was shocked at how cold it was. I didn't believe him, until not only did he tell me about the ice in the toilet, but couldn't get the shower doors open because they were iced shut. (A little muscle got those open in a second.)

So, for all of you who don't live here, aren't you glad you don't?


Shannon said...

that is wild!! we don't even know that kind of cold around here!! we think 40s is cold...PLEASE!!!

The Chandler Clan said...

burr! and I thought moving from TX to Oklahoma was going to a cold transition!

The Russ Family said...

Question. Did you just have to look to see that it was ice, or was there a splash back that made you realize it?